manila office rents News - The Latest News, Insight, Commentary & Analysis at Real Estate Asia

manila office rents

Manila office rents inch up 1.1% in Q3

Leasing demand improved as companies returned to office.

Manila office rents inch up 1.1% in Q3

Leasing demand improved as companies returned to office.

Manila to see 808,900 sqm of new office space this year

The vacancy rate is forecast to hit 18.2% by year-end.

Manila office rents dip 0.2% in Q2

Rental declines were only observed in newly vacated spaces.

Manila net office absorption finally turns positive in Q1 at 216,900sqm

Net absorption has been negative for four consecutive quarters.

Manila office rents inch up 0.6% in 4Q21

Capital values also incrementally increased by 0.8% q-o-q.