SG real estate industry forms property listing alliance | Real Estate Asia
, Singapore

SG real estate industry forms property listing alliance

The AfA's goal is to enhance the accuracy of property listings.

Singapore's real estate industry and property portals announced the formation of an Alliance for Action (AfA) on Accurate Property Listings.

The Singapore Estate Agents Organisation, PropertyGuru, and will co-lead the alliance, with PropNex, ERA, OrangeTee & Tie, Huttons Asia, and SRI as its members. The Council for Estate Agencies will support the AfA under the Real Estate Industry Transformation Map.

"The AfA on Accurate Property Listings seeks to provide a transparent, efficient and reliable property listing search experience for property consumers and their property agents. We are delighted to have the various key stakeholders in the real estate industry coming together and taking ownership to improve the property transaction process for property consumers and property agents," said Executive Director Lim Chee Hwee.

The AfA aims to develop a prototype digital platform to conduct checks on the authenticity of a property listing and assign a unique serial number to each property before it can be published in the listing portals. The AfA plans to design and build the prototype by mid-2022.

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