Pueblo de Oro features blueprint for success in the ‘new normal’
Its Townscapes Malvar was meticulously engineered for greater efficiencies.
Amidst the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, real estate property developer Pueblo de Oro (PDO) launched the Townscapes project, a self-sustaining eco-friendly community envisioned as a safe haven for Filipinos in the emerging municipality of Malvar in Batangas. This development is strategically located, being accessible from just a 40-minute drive from Metro Manila.
Townscapes Malvar was engineered meticulously for clean energy, with homes designed to capture natural light and wind. It purposefully highlights the natural character of the property in its 50%-high allocation of open space and roads against total land areas, allowing residents to do al fresco activities that contribute to their wellness.
As a testament to its careful planning, PDO secured a preliminary EDGE certification for its middle-income residential community – a first for a township development in Malvar. EDGE is an internationally recognised green building certification system focused on making buildings more resource-efficient.
The innovative house design resulted in improvements of 20% in energy efficiency, 51.8% in water efficiency, and a staggering 71.8% in embodied energy in materials used compared to a typical housing unit. For the homeowner, these translate to an estimated energy savings of 623.2 kWh per housing unit per year and 72.6 cubic metres of water per household per year. In addition, operating carbon emissions are lowered per unit per year.
Meanwhile, the pandemic also highlighted the need for more integrated and progressively developed communities in the provinces. As such, PDO took a holistic approach to its design plans and ensured that the township development will be all-inclusive with everything within reach.
Its ‘live-work-play-learn’ development is part of a 274-hectare mixed-use complex with 4 hectares of commercial area and 1 hectare for an educational hub. It is adjacent to a 232-hectare industrial park for light manufacturing developed by PDO’s sister company.
The company also plans for electric vehicles to service the community and potentially integrate into the public transport network of the province to allow heightened connectivity.
Even amidst the disruption in construction material supply and downturn in consumer demand brought about by the health crisis, the development was warmly received by the market. In just 1.5 years since it was launched, the Townscapes project was able to generate 1/3 of the company’s total sales reservations and became the best-performing site for 2022.
This success has been recognised by the Real Estate Asia Awards, as PDO brings home the Mixed-Use Development of the Year - Philippines category win.
“We believe PDO Townscapes Malvar deserves to win the Mixed-Use Development of the Year as we were able to create a blueprint for success, not only for the company but also in the area we set up shop in,” the company said.
The prestigious awards programme honours the most innovative real estate developments and laud industry players in Asia Pacific that stand out in the market.